If you use the 14 Day Flea Marketing cycle, you will be able to build a more solid and credible business, that are key must-have components to business profitability.
Today we're going to share with you HOW you can have a full time job, and run your own business at the same time.
Let's use an example to illustrate, what we call the 14 Day Flea Marketing cycle.

Here's what you can do to maximise your exposure to potential online customers.
Let's say you've decided to participate in the Sentosa Boardwalk Bazaar on 18 and 19 Feb.
If you have e-commerce facilities such as a shopping cart+ payment gateway, you would be able to close the deal by collect payment online (there are different payment processes that would take some time to explain, but we shall save it for another time or you can google for it).
Work backwards 14 days to 6 Feb (Day -11), and follow this cyclical model. Do this for any bazaar that you participate in - if the organisers are supportive, they will share your posts.
For betterer effects, ask your friends and family members to share your posts too.
And by the time you reach D1 of the bazaar on 18 Feb, you would have probably attracted some of your customers to visit you there.
Of course, as one ventures into advanced marketing, the strategies and tactics would become more complex, but we think that the above is a good start for those who are new to leveraging social media marketing, without having to pay for the media exposure.
Till the next blog,
Kim Teck,