Friday, March 25, 2016

Setting up your Bazaar Business - Chapter 5 - WHERE do you want to conduct your bazaar business?

Ok, so we had slacked off in our our blog after chapter 4 to focus on operating our fleas. And we think it's paying off .

But no worries, we'll eventually complete our series of 6 chapters, and you can have a complete read.

And oh yes, if you haven't had a copy of our ebook (published last year) on how to run a bazaarr business yet, just drop an email to request for it.

Chapter 5 - Where ?

There are so many venues you can sell your wares at, or organisers to sell with - just google for Bazaars and Flea Markets in Singapore and you'll get a list of them us.

There are venues with high existing organic footfall, and there are the venues with events-driven footfall (we call this event-centric bazaars), and there are the venues with potentially high footfall. Even then, we've seen merchants achieve ZERO sales because their products weren't suitable, particularly for events (unless you have a non-sales objective, which is usually marketing or branding).

We've also come across this term 'buying power' - which really is a spin from the term 'Purchasing Power' that industry folks use a lot.  So we always get a lot of questions on 'what's the buying power?'

If we could, we'd create an index and quote you that index (and if P = IV here, then the buying power would be quoted in watts).  The TRUTH is, you will never know until you try out that venue.

As entrepreneurs, you will have multiple objectives to accomplish - sales target, marketing, branding...etcetera and you will find that your business objectives will take turns being to top priority, and you're reacting

We know that - it's happening to us.  And being a small business ourselves we sometimes find ourselves in reactionary more than planning modes.

But make sure you have a master plan, and keep that your rotating priorities aligned to your master plan.

So, you've got to do a bit of homework yourselves before you decide where. Google's a good source of information, but we would encourage you to study the venue ahead of time!

And let's not forget the online arena.

You can sell your wares through social media such as carousell, shoppe, instagram create your own blogshop, or leverage online e-commerce platforms such as Ownashop,com, q100, shopify or other website cum e-commerce enabled platforms such as weebly, wix...etcetera.

And you got to understand the constraints you are working under, particularly the legal ones:

Know the Lemon Law / Consumer laws of Singapore
Know the NEA restrictions and guidelines (if you're selling food)
Know the HDB / URA Home Baker Scheme and who you can sell to (sell only to friends).

The successful entrepreneurs we know of adopt online / offline strategies and tactics to sell.
Online to generate demand, conduct pre-sales, and offline (participating in bazaars and flea markets) for transaction purposes and incremental exposure to physical human traffic.

Last but not least, work with a credible organiser.

See you in Chapter 6!

The Team

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